Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sad News...

I think it is only fair that I open with my terrible news. The NFL and I are on a break. I guess I don’t really know where it came from. For several consecutive months it was going so well! I had a team, I had apparel, I had gusto, I had a 35-page collection of football cards and what do I have now? Talks that there might not be a full season next year, if there is a season at all?! I’m worth more than that, NFL. I mean, it’s not like we didn’t try. We kept pushing back our decision time, trying to give it another 24 hours here, an extra week there, but the deadline came and went. I am putting my Raiders shirt in a box in my closet and ceasing to prepare for the 2011 Fantasy Football.

I wish I could report to you, the reader, that I am taking this news well, but as an anonymous visitor of my public blog that I shamelessly self-promote, you deserve to know every gory detail of the absolute truth. I am bundled up in my room, wrapped in six blankets and wearing the same sweatpants I’ve had on for three straight days. I keep calling in “sick” to work and my nose is so stuffed up from crying constantly that they still believe I really have a cold. When I walk into the grocery store, they start ringing me up for every carton of chocolate ice cream in stock. So HEY NFL, I’M DOING JUST FINE WITHOUT YOU. I’M PROBABLY DOING EVEN BETTER WITHOUT YOU!

So yes, we are on a break. And if I have learned anything from Ross on Friends, it is that now I am free to watch other sports. And I don’t want to rush into anything, but from the start, March Madness and all its accompanying bracket-filling seems to combine two of my favorite things: gambling and onomatopoeia. Let the games begin.

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